Easy Cut Flower Garden for beginners with free printable plan

Easy cut flowers to grow
Flowers are something that make most people happy. This easy cut flower garden for beginners plan will help you have blooms all season long.
Sharing my knowledge of flowers is one of my favorite things to do. Further down in the post you will find another cut flower garden plan. Snapdragons, zinnias and basil…your bouquets will look and smell great. Get outside, dig in the dirt and enjoy mother natures bounty.
In general there are 3 categories of blooming plants. Perennials, biennials and annuals. In each of these categories there are thousands of different varieties of plants. The plants that are in the easy cut flower garden for beginners and the cut flower garden plan are easy to grow and easy to care for. Perfect for the novice gardener yet satisfying enough for the expert.
A perennial is a group of plants that come up year after year. You can cut down the plant in the fall or spring and it will regrow in the spring. For beginners I recommend cutting down in the fall, this way come spring time you do not have to do anything.
Easy to grow perennials for cutting
- purple coneflower
- liatris
- yarrow
- shasta daisy
- perennial sage
- garden phlox
- lilies

photo source freerange
The purple coneflower is a great perennial to grow. It is considered a wild flower and produces pinky purple flowers throughout the summer. They like full sun. Cut often to keep the flowers producing.

yarrow photo source freerange
Yarrow is another easy to grow perennial. This plant is also great for dried flowers. The most common color for yarrow is yellow, but pinks are becoming more popular. Yarrow also likes full sun.

photo source Easy to grow bulbs
Annuals are a group of plants that need to be replanted each year. You buy them from you local nursery in the spring and plant them into your garden for the growing season. After your first frost. Dig up the plant and put it in your compost pile or throw it away.
Easy to grow annuals for cutting
- zinnia
- cosmos
- marigold
- sunflower
- rudbeckia
Zinnia is an awesome annual cut flower to grow. These annual flowers are super easy to grow. Direct seeding is a breeze but you can buy plants from the nursery. The more you cut the more they bloom.

White cosmos flowers grows in a field. Photo source freerange
I love cosmos. They are so delicate. Cosmos come in a variety of colors. They love to self seed. Self seeding is when the blooms die, the plant puts its energy into making seeds. The seeds drop off the plant and emerge in the spring.
Easy cut garden for beginnersHere is a link to download the Easy cut flower garden plan. Easy cut garden plan for beginners.
If you are looking for a more in depth cutting garden plan. I have created one just for you. Keep reading.
Detailed cut flower garden plan
This cut flower plan is a 15 page guide that walks you through growing a cut flower garden from start to finish. You will find instructions on how to make your garden bed, what flowers to plant, how to plant the flowers, how to harvest the flower and so much more.
Below is a fun post walking down memory lane.
Memories from a growing year here.
Popular questions and answers
Where do I buy my plants?
You can buy your plants at any nursery or big box store. These are really common plants so they should have them.
Do I have to use organic compost and where do I buy this?
No you do not have to use organic. That is just what I prefer. You can get this wherever you buy your plants.
How deep do I plant my plants.
Every plant that you buy will come with instructions on how deep to plant and how much space you should use.
What do I use to cover the landscape fabric?
You can use bagged mulch or shredded leaves.
Do I need to water and fertilize?
Yes you should water your garden at least once a week unless you have had rain. You do not need to fertilize. These plants should do well without it.
Please feel free to ask any other questions that you have.
Enjoy your cutting garden.